Earth and Space science in an elective course in which students will learn about the four main spheres of Earth: Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology, and Astronomy. Some of the learning experiences will include conducting scientific investigations, using specific tools and measurements, collecting and analyzing data, using models, graphs and charts, group work and class discussions about the active world in which we live.
Hey, kids! My name is Ms. Wainio, your science teacher for the semester. I love learning about how our Earth works and the effects that us humans have on it (as well as the ways we improve it). I graduated from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in 2002 with a bachelor's in education and earth sciences. I even had to take a soil class, I just can NOT get enough of the stuff!! My job is to help interested students engage in the changing world around them, so if you put in the effort, you can succeed. I also run Club Action with Mr. Simays, so if you want to join, just ask!